1. 认证模块是可以正常启动的,但是编译认证模块时报错,
org.springblade:blade-common:pom:4.1.0.RELEASE was not found in https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public during a previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of aliyun-repos has elapsed or updates are forced
2. maven是3.8.3的
rg.springblade:blade-common:pom:4.1.0.RELEASE was not found in https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public during a previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of aliyun-repos has elapsed or updates are forced
org.springblade:blade-user-api:pom:4.1.0.RELEASE was not found in https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public during a previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of aliyun-repos has elapsed or updates are forced
org.springblade:blade-system-api:pom:4.1.0.RELEASE was not found in https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public during a previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of aliyun-repos has elapsed or updates are forced
org.springblade:blade-resource-api:pom:4.1.0.RELEASE was not found in https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public during a previous attempt. This failure was cached in the local repository and resolution is not reattempted until the update interval of aliyun-repos has elapsed or updates are forced
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